New Releases (May, 20th – May, 26th)

Arrested by the Orc by Michele Mills

Paranormal Romance, Monster Romance

Today I was fake arrested from my workplace.

Handcuffs were slapped onto my wrists (to the delight of my meddlesome sister) and I was taken directly from my bakery, to townhall and placed in a comfy, temporary jail cell with a group of other jovial townspeople also “arrested” for the day.

I’m happy to be here, supporting the spring fundraiser for the county food bank.


Sheriff Underwood, the very same intimidating orc I’ve been crushing on for the last six months, is the officer who personally apprehended me. The male who normally ignores my very existence. But the moment those handcuffs went around my wrists, he growled and sniffed my hair?

After we’re all settled in our cell with donuts and coffee, a tornado siren blares.

The Sheriff stands much too close, a rough hand on my hip and his lips against my ear.

Mmm. Maybe he does know I exist?

Eliza’s Cursed Dragon by Bella Blair

Paranormal Romance, Fantasy Romance

Once upon a time…
There was an enchanted forest where fairy tales came to life…

ELIZA: After our father remarries, his new bride shows her true colors as an evil witch and curses my eleven brothers to live the rest of their lives as swans. There is only one way to lift the spell: I must take a six-year vow of silence, and at night, collect stinging nettles from graveyards to make eleven cloaks.

Together, my brothers and I venture outside Fable Forest to escape our stepmother’s wrath.

Three years later my vow of silence is severely tested when I meet the most handsome man I have ever seen. The infatuation is mutual, but how can I make him understand that I need to spend my nights at graveyards when I’m not allowed to speak?

EDWARD: Building a town on the outskirts of Fable Forest was just the kind of challenge I was looking for. Until I run into a nasty witch that is. For saving her cat, she rewards me with a curse to turn into a dragon at night. She claims this is how I will find my true love.

But how can I find true love like this?

I resign myself to a life without love, until I meet the most beautiful stranger who lives in an old, abandoned graveyard with eleven swans. Doubting my sanity, I can’t stay away from her.

Alien in Disguise by Cara Bristol

Sci-Fi Romance, Alien Romance

Hell hath no fury like a woman abducted by aliens…twice.

The space cruise is supposed to be the vacation of a lifetime. Instead, Jessie Sayles gets abducted by aliens. After the rescue, she’s determined to sound the alarm that humans have been targeted by a galactic slave cartel. But upon returning home, she discovers her apartment has been burglarized, her cat is freaked out, her boss doubts everything she says, and she gets kidnapped again by a horned, amber-eyed alien who claims he’s with the galactic government.
She doesn’t know what to believe, but she’s sure of one thing – she won’t allow anyone to interfere with her crusade to warn her fellow New Terrans of the threat, no matter how persuasive – or sexy – he is.

Maxx, an agent with the League of Planets, has three years invested in a mission to crush the slave cartel, and he’s about to close in on the mastermind behind it all – until Jessie barrels into middle of his operation. He has to stop her before she unwittingly ruins everything, so he takes her into protective custody.

With Jessie in lockdown, the sparks that fly soon ignite a heated desire, followed by a grudging, mutual respect as they come to realize they’re on the same side.

But just as Maxx is about to capture the cartel mastermind, unresolved trust issues threaten to destroy everything he and Jessie are fighting for. And they soon discover the stakes are greater than either of them imagined.

Little Heart of Stone by Clio Evans

Paranormal Romance, Monster Romance, FFM

Creatures of all kinds go to the Barista to find love, including the crystal gargoyles, Jade and Beau.

When Beau and Jade receive a mysterious message to come to Creature Cafe for their fated date, they answer the call and meet Juliet – a busy human who enchants them both.

Juliet has seen it all as a nurse – life, death, happiness, and tragedy. She’s experienced all of those things too. After a dreamy first date, she accepts Jade and Beau’s invite for a weekend getaway in the clouds.

Lust and love are in the air, but past wounds make it hard to trust in fate. Can Beau and Jade be the stitch Juliet needs in her little heart of stone?

Broken by the Battleship by V.T. Bonds

Dark Dystopian Romance, Omegaverse

“Sheathe those claws, kitten, before I sheathe myself inside your lying little mouth.”

Desperate to protect my younger brothers from my father’s rage, I prepare to sneak away with them in the middle of the night, ready to face the dark lawlessness of the lower levels, but before I can put my plan into motion, an even worse threat breaks down our door.
Known as the biggest and cruelest alpha in the entire ocean, The Battleship massacres every man loyal to my father and makes him a terrifying promise.

He’s going to repay my father for killing his family.
He’ll make me his plaything.
His broken toy.

His ultimate revenge.

Goldie’s Grumpy Grizzly by Coco Elliot

Paranormal Romance, Shifter Romance

A grumpy bear shifter with no desire for a mate collides with a car and wakes up with a mating bond locked onto the driver responsible – the blonde bombshell he finds sleeping in his bed.

RAE: My weeklong writing retreat in Fable Forest’s distraction-free campground was supposed to refill my creative well and help me meet my deadline. But my trip’s off to an inauspicious start when I accidentally crash into a grizzly who turns out to be the sexy, grumpy bear shifter I’ve dreamed about and whose personal cabin is the one I’m mistakenly occupying.

Even though Cole Osborne is a growly, bearded hunk of a man who says he doesn’t want me in his bear cave, I’m not willing to let him recuperate on his own. And before long, the sparks between us become undeniable. So when strange things start happening and the truth of my bloodline is revealed, it threatens everything I thought I’ve built – my career, my family, and my shot at true love.

COLE: I’ve got no use for a mate. Don’t want – or need – one, no matter how much my mama pushes me to give her grand-cubs. After witnessing the kind of devastation losing one’s mate can cause, the last thing I need is for the mating bond to stitch me up with one – especially a beauty with a sunshine-bright smile and the most irresistible honeysuckle scent.

But when Rae Golding slams her flashy rental into me, my bear recognizes the curvy blonde bombshell for what she is – my fated mate. And since she’s not so easily scared off, she sticks close, tempting me until I can’t help but take a taste. Our bond is all it takes for me to reconsider the bachelor life… until I discover just how cruel fate can be.

Can a loving bond be strong enough to heal old, deep wounds? Or are some truths too big and too heartbreaking to bear?

Dad Bod Demon by Violet Rae

Paranormal Romance, Monster Romance

I live a sheltered existence, locked in a gilded cage and unaware of the dark bargain that sealed my fate before I was even born. Promised to Mammon, the demon of greed, by my father in exchange for wealth and power, my innocence becomes the currency of a twisted deal.

But when I’m forced wed to Mammon, I discover an unexpected love I never could have imagined, igniting a forbidden passion amidst the shadows of my father’s betrayal. Mammon is protective, growly, and drop-dead gorgeous, revealing his softer side only to me. But as my bond with my otherworldly husband deepens, ominous whispers of Lucifer’s discontent with our match echo through the darkness, threatening to unravel our fragile happiness.

Caught between the desires of two powerful beings, I must navigate a treacherous path, where the line between love and damnation blurs. Can I defy the forces that seek to control my destiny, or will I succumb to a fate predetermined by the sins of my father?

Dad Bod Gorgon by Kat Baxter & Violet Rae

Paranormal Romance, Monster Romance

It doesn’t take me long to realize the curvy little human is meant to be mine. She’s reluctant, though. I mean, who can blame her?

The first time we met, I turned her to stone.
Now, she’s afraid to look me in the eyes.

Still, I’m using any excuse I can to spend time with her, and I think it’s finally working. Until I prove how monstrous I can be right in front of her, and I know it’s all over.

But maybe, just maybe, my little human will surprise me.

Tempting the Gorgon by Bevin Shea

Paranormal Romance, Monster Romance

The Gorgon: I spent the last century tied to a male who saw my power as a way to keep his control. A century of commands I had no will of my own to resist left restless anger deep in my bones.

But that was before. This is now.

I find myself on an island for monsters like me, where my power isn’t something wielded for a weak man’s. My magic is my own.

I’m my own person again.

My gaze. My snakes. My body. My soul.


It’s all about me right now. Which mostly involves opening my own business, sorting through my trauma, and avoiding a cocky vampire that reminds me too much of my past.

Even if he makes me feel things I thought I was too broken to experience.

The Vampire: I made it two centuries on this planet without catching feelings. I dated, sure. A lot. I found pleasure. A lot. But did I fall in love? Never. I was vehemently against it.

Until a painfully beautiful female with serpents for hair changed my mind when I first breathed in her delectable scent.

As the Fire Council chair for Haven Pass I have no choice but to watch the gorgon closely as she opens a new adult club. Do I normally keep this close an eye on new projects? Sure. Yeah. Absolutely.

It has nothing to do with my sweet venomous female… With her snakes. With her curves. With her need to eviscerate my ego with her sharp tongue and practiced eye roll.

She is nothing like anyone I’ve ever met.

And despite her pretending otherwise, I know deep down she wants me. She needs me.

But it doesn’t matter how she pretends to hate me when her past comes crawling back for her.

Because she’s mine.

Bound to the Alien Prince by Anne Hale & Celia Kyle

Sci-Fi Romance, Alien Romance

This alien prince stole the wrong ship – and found his fated mate.

Overlooked royal Dante Lorrz is fed up when his ne’er-do-well brother gets their older brother’s prized ship. Dante steals a ship to leave Lorr, only to learn his sister’s been abducted.

The ship belongs to fiery adventure-loving Captain Tinsley Adams. Their instant chemistry convinces Dante she’s his fated mate. Even after stranding her crew, Tinsley agrees to help find his sister.

Their investigation reveals the mortal enemies of Lorr, the Jorvlen, took Dante’s sister to enslave her. Infiltrating a Jorvlen ship, Tinsley is captured but finds an ally – the missing princess.

There’s only chance left to get her back, and Dante has to take it – no matter how risky it is. He will get his girl and spend a long time marking her as his.

A Court of Darkness and Ruin by Anne Hale & Celeste King

Dark Fantasy Romance

In my final moments, I was begging for death.
Now he has me pleading on my knees for him.

In my darkest hour, Oarus finds and takes me.
At first, I think he’s going to kill me. Instead…

He breathes life back into me.

On the outside, he’s a monster. A terrifying, beastly creature.
His presence should shake me to my core.

Yet, I’m craving his touch.

My safety becomes his obsession.
My body is the object of his desire.

And he will kill anyone who hurts me.

I can’t flee from him.
My heart won’t let me.
I belong by his side. He plans to keep me there.

Even before I want it.

Taken by the Naga King by Celeste King & Anne Hale

Sci-Fi Romance, Alien Romance

This king wanted a distraction, and he found the perfect one hiding on his ship!

Naga-alien King Gravon expected a solitary journey through the cosmos, not a stowaway that rocked him to his core. Yet he’s faced with Azha – a human slave who used his ship to flee her masters. Now he is more than happy to offer her passage and bring her home with him… forever.

King Gravon knows a secret Azha doesn’t. She’s his mate, and he’s not willing to let her go. Even if she is human and he’s an alien.

When Azha falls ill, Gravon fears he put her in danger by taking her as his mate. Not to mention that as their crisis grows more dire, his people reject having a human as their queen. Gravon must find a way to save his mate and his people before it’s too late.

Or is it already?

Protected by the Alien Bodyguard by Kate Sinner

Sci-Fi Romance, Alien Romance

Wanted for murder. Pursued by desire. Can we outrun both?

I just killed someone. My alien owner, to be precise. I’ve been abducted and held captive for what feels like forever, kept as some glorified pet. I thought life couldn’t get any worse… until he walked in.

Jaraz towers over me with red skin, glinty horns, and-is that a tail?! Of course, a guy who looks like the devil himself would make my life hell. Now, my only option is to flee alongside him. I hope his rippling muscles scare off his pursuers. I’m definitely not staring because they tempt me in all the wrong ways. Nope, not me.

As if being wanted for murder isn’t enough, it turns out Jaruk is hiding from his own demons. Our only chance at freedom lies in crossing the border, and to do that, we’ll have to fake a marriage. But there’s a catch – Jaruk is not just an alien, he’s a criminal too, with a past shrouded in darkness. Will our unlikely alliance be the key to survival, or will our growing desire be the one thing we can’t escape?

Hell Over Heels by Nadine Mutas

Paranormal Romance

Being an angel sucks.

Well, a low-ranking angel, that is. Who’d have thought that one of the tasks in Heaven assigned to those not blessed with brain-melting power is shoveling unicorn poop?

Not me, that’s for sure, although I don’t even remember who I was as a human before being turned into an angel, let alone what I was thinking.

So, here I am, living my best, most boring angel life, trying to climb up a rank in the hierarchy so I can ditch my annoying roommate and get a suite of my own, not to mention that if I get promoted, I won’t have to clean up unicorn crap anymore – which, by the way, is not made of sparkly rainbows. Much to my chagrin.

And then he shows up.

Looking all Tall, Dark, and Handsomely Mysterious, like he just strolled right out of a dream…and my world tilts sideways when I realize that might actually be true. I think I’ve been dreaming of him ever since I woke up as an angel.

His power feels so familiar. The things he does and says cause an echo of knowing deep within me.

Could I have seen visions of him before he ever stepped into my life? Or is there another reason I feel like I’ve known him for years?

While I’m falling for him… I can’t shake the feeling that he could cost me more than my heart.

Guided by the Giant by Evangeline Anderson

Sci-Fi Romance, Alien Romance

As a Giant Kindred, over 9 feet tall, Torus has given up on the idea of finding a Mate. The human females surrounding him are too tiny and breakable… and he’s certain that none of them can handle his extra large equipment. But if he’s so sure that he isn’t interested in human women, then why is he having such strange and disturbing dreams about one in particular… a small, curvy female by the name of Molly Byrne who works for him?

Molly isn’t looking for a man. She just wants to keep her job and her Giant Kindred boss is the last person she wants to tangle with. But things go sideways when Torus is sent a compromising video of Molly self-pleasuring – a video taken by her abusive ex who has been sending it out to every single employer she’s had for the past five years, ever since their divorce.

Sure that she’s going to lose yet another job because of the embarrassing video, Molly packs up her desk…but Torus has other ideas. Can the two of them come to some understanding despite – or perhaps because of – the embarrassing vid and Torus’s strange dreams?

Dad Bod: Minotaur Labyrinth by Alana Khan

Paranormal Romance, Monster Romance

Stephanie and Alfie’s steamy attraction could make an icicle spontaneously combust. As the heat rises, will Alfie’s rock-star lifestyle extinguish the fire or ignite an inferno?

Stephanie: Between his horns, hooves, and the otherworldly music he creates, Alfie’s the hottest male on the planet. Now that we’re an item, I tour with him and his band Labyrinth, watching while he performs across the globe.

He doesn’t give another look to the groupies who throw themselves (and their panties) at him. But I wonder if this is too good to last. Because he’s got a reputation. One I fear will break my heart.

Alfie: As a minotaur, I grew up isolated and lonely in a world of humans, getting the affection I craved in meaningless one-night stands.

I haven’t been upfront and honest with Steph from the start, and now she’s terrified she’s just another in a long string of women. I don’t blame her. I earned my rep, but regret it now. She’s everything to me.

What we’ve got is perfect – as long as my bad-boy reputation doesn’t tear us apart. I wrote a song I’ll dedicate to her on stage. Will she give me another chance?

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