A Soul to Heal by Opal Reyne

“I will follow you anywhere, my pretty raven. All you have to do is ask.”

A Soul to Heal is the second book of the Duskwalker Brides series by Opal Reyne.

Delora is such a wonderful woman and I liked her so much! With everything happening in her life, she struggles with insecurities, depression and trauma. But she’s so kind, compassionate and caring. Delora might have a lot on her plate, but maybe all she needs is a monster to help her heal and deal with everything.

Nameless is such a monstrously sweet male! He is dangerous, fearsome and deadly. And he might still lack humanity and be quite naive at times, but I loved his curiosity and his determination to be better. Even more, he’s so caring, patient, considerate and fiercely protective. And his innocence, his eagerness to learn and his constant wonder were so endearing. I couldn’t help but absolutely adore every single thing about this sweet and wonderful male!

I loved everything that happened between Delora and her Mavka. After seeing how good Reia is for Orpheus, all Nameless wants is his own companion and a name. And Delora literally falls on top of him! Not only does he get a bride of his own and her soul to protect, but he also gets a name. I loved how devoted he was to Delora right from the start. Even more, I adored him for offering his bride everything she has ever wanted but never got – loyalty, affection, protection and pleasure. Their road to happiness was definitely not an easy one and was full of surprises and challenges, but I loved every step of their journey through self-discovery, healing and acceptance. And it was quite the rollercoaster of emotions while they were figuring out how they felt and what they wanted. Nevertheless, Deolora and her Duskwalker were so wonderful together, and the passionate moments they shared were off-the-charts hot! Oh, I’m all in for all the monster love!

In addition, the storyline was fantastic! The Demon King continues to cause problems and be a giant pain in the butt. And I loved that we got to learn so much about the Mavka, where they come from and everything they go through to exist. 

Overall, the story is another marvellous addition to the series! It’s filled with drama, danger, surprises, twists, violence, action, suspense, hot romance, so much emotion and wonderful characters!

I loved every page of it and cannot wait to see what happens next!


All Delora ever wanted was to disappear.

Thrown into the Veil for a crime she committed, Delora was discarded by the world. Although afraid of her oncoming demise, she accepts it as it would be a worldly escape from her problems. She didn’t expect that she would wake up from her deadly fall, nor that the person who saved her would be a Duskwalker.

She’s wary about him at first, but Delora begins to realise there’s more to him than just a faceless monster.

All he ever wanted was a name.

After discovering that humans can be kept as companions, he begins planning for the day he finds his own bride. He still lacks humanity and there is much to learn first. One morning when leaving his cave, a human suddenly crashes into him from the sky. Broken and sleeping, he gets to work on healing the woman.

It doesn’t take him long to understand she’s wounded in a way his magic can’t heal.

But will he be able to gain her affections, or will she come to hate him as he stumbles his way through learning about her – and more importantly, himself?

About the author

Opal Reyne is an Australian Author who has been a fan of the Adult Paranormal Romance genre from the moment she picked up a book of it – and has never looked back.

She loves everything spicy, smutty, and everything boarder-line monster loving. She started writing because of her love of the written word, and because she wanted to build a diverse world of mythological creatures, while also showing the beauty of all ethnicities of humanity. She thrives to produce a plot driven, character developing book while sprinkling in enchanting imagery.

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