A Soul to Keep by Opal Reyne

“I have desired you from the first moment you smiled at me, my little doe.”

A Soul to Keep is the first book of the Duskwalker Brides series by Opal Reyne.

Reia’s life hasn’t been easy. After her family was killed by demons and she was the only survivor of the attack, Reia’s been labeled as cursed and a harbinger of bad omens. Despite her life in solitude and being treated as an outcast, she’s such a compassionate and kind woman. Even more, Reia’s so feisty, courageous and quite stubborn. And I loved that she was not easily scared and never hesitated to stand up for herself. I really liked her!

And then we have Orpheus! The huge Duskwalker is deadly, vicious and fearsome – the Apex Predator of the Veil. But beneath his monstrous appearance, hides one phenomenal male – honest, considerate, patient, gentle and fiercely protective. My heart broke for all the years he’s spent alone and how he just wanted someone to love and accept him. He might be inhuman but I absolutely adored every single thing about this wonderful and sweet Mavka!

I loved everything that happened between Reia and Orpheus! Reia is offered up as Orpheus’s new sacrifice. I loved how both had certain expectations for the other and both were proven wrong. I loved that Reia managed to surprise Orpheus right from the start, showing him time and time again that she’s not like his other offerings. And I adored Orpheus for going to such lengths to make sure she’s comfortable and protected, even from himself. And he shows her more kindness and support than any human she’s ever known. What started as a monster and an offering, soon became something so much more and watching their relationship grow was an absolute delight. And the more time they spent together, the more the need for one another was flaring inside. Oh, those bath moments were so, so hot. And talk about tension! Even though Reia’s determined to find a way to obtain her freedom, I loved how she managed to see past Orpheus’s monstrous facade and started falling for him. So, when they couldn’t keep their hands off each other anymore, the passionate moments they shared were off-the-charts hot and I couldn’t get enough! Orpheus and Reia were so right for each other and after everything both went through, they more than deserved to find love and acceptance together.

In addition, the storyline was fantastic! I loved this world filled with Duskwalkers, Demons, Demonslayers, magical creatures and humans. And the Veil was intriguing with its dark and misty forests and hidden cities. With everything happening and the unexpected turns of events, I was glued to the pages till the very end.

Overall, the story is a wonderful start of the series! It’s filled with danger, adventure, suspense, twists, action, violence, drama, magic, blazing hot passion and magnificent characters.

I loved it!


All Reia ever wanted was freedom.

Known as a harbinger of bad omens and blamed for Demons eating her family, Reia is shunned by her entire village. When the next offering is due and the monstrous Duskwalker is seen heading their way, her village offers her an impossible choice – be thrown into the prison cells or allow herself to be sacrificed to a faceless monster.

However, he is not what he seems. His skull face and glow eyes are ethereal, and she finds herself unwittingly enchanted by him.

All Orpheus ever wanted was a companion.

Each decade, in exchange for a protection ward from the Demons that terrorise the world, Orpheus takes a human offering to the Veil – the place he lives and the home of Demons. The brief companionship does little to ease his loneliness, and their lives were always, unfortunately, cut short.

He’d thought it was a hopeless endeavour, until he met her. She’s not afraid of him, and his insatiable desire deepens within every moment of her presence.

But will Orpheus be able to convince Reia to stay before she’s lost to him forever?

About the author

Opal Reyne is an Australian Author who has been a fan of the Adult Paranormal Romance genre from the moment she picked up a book of it – and has never looked back.

She loves everything spicy, smutty, and everything boarder-line monster loving. She started writing because of her love of the written word, and because she wanted to build a diverse world of mythological creatures, while also showing the beauty of all ethnicities of humanity. She thrives to produce a plot driven, character developing book while sprinkling in enchanting imagery.

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