Lights Out by Navessa Allen

“Aly? Do you want to be my girlfriend? The position comes with snacks and orgasms and maybe a little light stalking.”


Lights Out is a dark stalker rom-com by Navessa Allen.

Aly is a strong, dedicated and resilient trauma nurse. Aly is also a woman who doesn’t back down from challenges and is ready to deal with everything thrown her way. And she’s so feisty! Even more, Aly has some dark and kinky desires and needs the right man to make her dreams come true. She’s awesome and I loved her so, so much!

Josh is a skilled hacker and a man with a dark, traumatic and messed-up past. He’s smoking-hot, charming, sweet and fiercely protective. But there’s another side of him, too. Because Josh is also dangerous, dominant and a bit stalkerish (okay, maybe more than a bit). He’s a wonderful man and I loved everything about him!

I loved everything that happened between Aly and Josh! For quite a while, Aly’s been obsessed with a specific social media account. And imagine her surprise when its owner decides to make her darkest dreams a reality. I loved those two together! Their banters and teasings were so much fun to read. And their kinks matched so perfectly. And here we have so many kinks! Yup, the spice was spicing with those two and I loved every moment of it! Even more, I loved how understanding, accepting and supportive Aly and Josh were of each other, especially the more they got to know one another. They were perfect for each other and deserved to find happiness and love together. 

Overall, the story is fun, naughty and dark…ish read, filled with action, suspense, humor, twists, danger, hot and kinky romance and great characters.

I loved it!

More Quotes

“My intentions? Oh, Aly. Why would I tell you what they are when your previous comments have led me to believe that fear is half the fun for you?”

“Have you ever heard of the word boundaries?”
“Doesn’t sound familiar. Can you use it in a sentence?”

My evil plan was working.
Step one: get Aly to drop her guard.
Step two: fuck her on this couch.
Oh, wait, no. I’d skipped a few steps somewhere.

“Only good girls get fucked, Aly, and from the way you’ve been cursing my name for the past five minutes, I think we’ve established that you aren’t one.”

“I’m only willing to allow you a few days. After that, I’m coming for you, baby, whether you’re ready or not. And until then, I’ll be watching.”

“I can feel you getting hard right now.”
“And I bet if I reached into your panties, you’d be soaked.”
“I never should have told you what you do to me.”
“Yeah, sure, let’s chalk it up to that.”

“Are you saying that the couple who commits homicide together, stays together?”
“Too wordy. I prefer the couple who slays together, stays together.”

“Did you like being hunted?”
“You liked getting run down like prey.”
“Spread those legs for me, then. Show me how much you like getting caught.”
“Make me.”


“I don’t need another kink.”

That thought pops into my head whenever I pull up my favorite social media app, but alas, every time I scroll, I learn something new about myself, and another one is born. And yes, I know I’m responsible for what the algorithm shows me, but I’m trying to ignore that fact.

Lately, my feed has been dominated by masked men. I’ve favorited videos with them dressed in full cosplay, decked out in futuristic military apparel, and wrapped up like ghouls.

But more than anything else, my FYP is filled with shirtless men wearing ghost masks. Bonus points if they’re heavily tattooed, wielding a knife, or covered in fake blood. At night, I dream about being chased by them, of them catching me and doing deliciously dark things to my more than willing body.

I never could have guessed that by sending one drunken text, those dreams would become my new reality.

About the author

Navessa Allen lives in northern New England on a 200-year-old farm with her husband, their cats, and an assortment of farm animals.

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