Drelix by Hattie Jacks

“You are mine, Crystal, and I am going to devour you.”


Drelix is the sixth book of the Fated Mates of the Sarkarnii series by Hattie Jacks.

Crystal is incredible! She’s strong, brave and resilient. And she’s so fierce and fun! Her life hasn’t been easy even before she was taken from Earth, and afterwards she’s been through so much. But I loved her courage to overcome all the hardships and horrors thrown her way. Even more, she’s not only a survivor but she did whatever was necessary to have a life on an alien space station. Crystal is an amazing and admirable woman and I loved her so, so much!

And then, we have Drelix – the mysterious Sarkarnii, who’s taken a vow of silence! And he’s not just any Sarkarnii warrior… Nooo, Drelix is a Haisarkarnii! He’s fearsome, dangerous, deadly and filled with so much rage. Even more, he’s determined to do everything in his power to get revenge for losing his family and people. But there is another side of Drelix, too. The growly warrior is also honorable, loyal, fiercely protective, deliciously possessive and dominant and absolutely irresistible. Drelix is an incredible male and I couldn’t help but adore every single thing about him!

I absolutely loved everything that happened between Crystal and Drelix! The Haisarkarnii is on a mission to a run down space station when he saves a human female from danger. I adored those two together! Their chemistry was fantastic right from the start and their banters were an absolute delight to read. Even more, Crystal and Drelix were an awesome team, sticking together through dangers and darkness. Crystal might not be a woman who trusts easily but Drelix proved to her, time and time again, that not all males are the same. And she was absolutely the right person to show the fearsome alien that there’s more to life than just revenge. And when they couldn’t resist the undeniable need for one another, the passionate moments they shared were off-the-charts hot and I couldn’t get enough of all the naughty delight! Drelix and Crystal were so, so, so perfect for each other and, after everything both went through, they more than deserved to find happiness and love together!

In addition, the storyline was phenomenal! Dangerous missions, enemies lurking in the shadows, betrayals, unexpected discoveries and help that came from some unexpected places (ooooh, I was soooo happy to meet some feathery and chaotic friends)… With everything that was happening, I was glued to the pages till the very end, excited to see how everything will be resolved.

Overall, the story is another remarkable addition to the series and a spectacular series finale! It’s filled with adventure, danger, non-stop action, twists, drama, suspense, humor, smoking-hot passion and incredible characters.

I couldn’t put it down and absolutely loved every single page of it!

More Quotes

“Did you undress me?”
“Yes. To treat you.”
“I don’t… Why am I here? Who are you?”
“I’m Drelix, Sarkarnii warrior. And you’re trouble.”
“Actually, I’m Crystal. I’m a human… from Earth.”

“Do you think to run? Because if you do, you should know, I love the chase. And I like the capture even better.”

“But do not be dismayed. There are plenty of good things about being mated to a Sarkarnii. We always mate in our shifted form, I will kill anyone who looks at you, and I will always ensure you are pleasured to oblivion.”
“Pleasured to oblivion?”
“Pleasured. To oblivion.”

“Do you always go full alpha male, or is it something you have to work at?”
“You belong…”
“To you, I get it, but you don’t need to keep this up. Kaleb is harmless. Not everything has to be growling and snarling.”

“No one touches you again, little morsel. Not while I have breath in my body.”

“Drelix, did you declare war on the House of Makkan?”
“I am at war with any species who believes they can take what belongs to me. You are mine, Crystal. The stars are bright because of you, my head is clear because of you. I know what I want because of you.”

“You set me free the moment I set eyes on you, heartsfire. I’ve been lost in the stars for so long, I didn’t believe it was possible to ever be happy again, until you. You are my sun, my moon, my stars. I’d find my way out of a black hole for one of your smiles, for the touch of your hand, for the scent of your hair. My heart beats for you, lives for you, aches for you. Fate has taken so much from me, only to place you in my path, Crystal. I’m never going to let you go.”

“It was you, my Crystal. It was always you, my heartsfire, my heart. My whole. All of my life led me here to this moment. The moment I found my heart was not hollow but filled by fate and given to you.”


He’s an alien dragon shifter hell bent on revenge. Until I’m caught up in his claws. Now all he wants… is me.

Station X42 is a complete dump and I’m stranded on it for what is likely to be the rest of my very short existence. Left here by alien abductors who bit off more than they could chew when they took me, I have to scratch a living with the scum of the galaxy.

When it looks like I might have finally hacked off the wrong species resulting in my early demise, an enormous alien dragon shifter, Drelix, bursts into my life. All seven foot plus of scales, muscles, fangs and claws. Oh, and a tail, can’t forget the tail.

Having stolen me away to an uninhabited moon, he proceeds to heal my injuries with his venomous bite, I consent to it, only to find in his world, being bitten by a Sarkarnii means I’m now sort of married to him.

This is not how I imagined my space Tuesday to work out.

I don’t want to admit my new alien husband does things to my insides which should be illegal, or that his kisses set me alight in all new ways. After what happened to me when I was taken from Earth, I can’t bear the thought of any intimacy.

But Drelix has other ideas, very, very naughty ones too. However, I’m fully prepared to resist him, right up to the point he tells me…

“I eat troublesome females, whole.”

Well, damn. Looks like I’m going to have to up my resistance game, or lose myself to him entirely.

About the author

I’m a British author. Not to play on the national stereotype or anything but I like tea. Actually, I like cake too. Tea and cake, preferably together and preferably chocolate fudge (the cake, not the tea).

When I’m not writing about super hot alpha aliens and feisty human ladies who are taking the whole abduction thing (and a lack of tea) in their stride, you’ll find me swooping around the countryside on my motorcycle or indulging in a bit of open water swimming.

Oh, and drinking tea. I do A LOT of tea drinking.

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